LACLAYE ® is the exclusive brand that manufactures the CLAYE ®. A historic and unique object that is resurrected in 2024 with the desire to offer a real breakthrough in the ritual of the perfect serve when opening the most famous festive drink in the world. Reborn today, iconic tomorrow.
Want to CLAYE your bottle? Nothing could be simpler. Right-handed or left-handed, the
claye in one hand, the other gripping the bottle, it is imperative to place your thumb on the cork before inserting your claye all the way. Then, a simple lever effect will allow you to master the perfect champagne serve: firmly hold the cork with your thumb to prevent a rapid and dangerous expulsion while highlighting the famous "erotic sigh of champagne", the quintessence of a successful opening, thus delicately releasing under the
cork the story contained in your bottle, for you viewing and hearing pleasure.
You didn't get there the first time? Nothing surprising or worrying! It sometimes takes 4 to 5 openings to get a grip on the claye in hand and perfectly master the gesture, simple but
precise, which will make your opening exceptional and allow you to share the
erotic sigh of champagne with your guests.
Recalcitrant cork? Simply turn your bottle half a turn while still keeping your thumb on the
cork and reactivate the lever effect the cork up with your claye once again.
Want a more festive opening worthy of a Formula 1 podium? Only insert half of your claye so
that the cork does not get stuck in it when it is expelled. Then press the lever
effectlever it up for a "POP" effect *. This technique was also used in the past for the so-called "à
la volée" disgorging of champagne. Today, the cork is nowoften replaced by a capsule
during theis stage of slow maturation of the wine on the fermentation lees. "A la volée" disgorging is still used by some champagne houses or for certain large bottles.
Want even more extravagance? You can also saber your champagne open with the clayes.
*IMPORTANT: Positioning your thumb on the cork before inserting your claye not only guarantees safety but also the control allowing you to control itsover the expulsion. Between 6 and 8 bars of pressure are present in the bottle, three times more than the pressure of a tire. Failure to comply with these rules of use can lead to serious accidents injury for which LACLAYE ® cannot be held responsible.
A term unknown to the general public, the erotic sigh of champagne represents this
fleeting moment of liberation from what has remained locked up in your bottle for so long. A pleasure that is both visual and auditory, the quintessence of a perfect opening, the erotic sigh of champagne is now perfectly highlighted thanks to the claye. Your claye frees your hand that until then had to seize the cork, thus concealing the apotheosisof the perfect serve. Therefore, using
a claye means above all magnifying this gesture and making the beauty of this sigh as visible as possible.
To prevent foam from developing when opening, all operations must be carried out without shaking the bottle. The latter must be perfectly chilled. Indeed, if the bottle is at the correct serving temperature (around 8°C), you should not encounter any issue other than that which the cork might cause... a problem now solved thanks to your claye! Tilt the bottle by 30 to 45° and very firmly hold with your thumb the cork you are extracting with your claye. Gently let the air escape under the cork held in place, thus producing this slight noise, sometimes called the "erotic sigh of champagne." Controlling the cork with your thumb is the only way to preserve all of the physical and organoleptic qualities while preventing the risk of accident*.
That's it, enjoy!
*The cork is cap, subjected to 8 bars of pressure present in the bottle (three times as much as more than the pressure of a tire)and may reach 25 MPH, in less than 1/10th of a second.
Failure to comply with these rules of use may result in serious accidents for which LACLAYE ® cannot be held responsible.
The LACLAYE monogram is constructed as a synthesis. The C and L of CLAYE in the center form a lock. What could be more symbolic when it comes to opening?
Bottle opening, reinvented here, to enter a new story.
Everyone can also see a champagne cork and its characteristic shape suggested. Finally, a breaking line crosses the monogram.
The latter, which can be found in the iconic LA CLASSIQUE 1938 model, marks the DNA of LACLAYE: imposing a breakthrough in the opening of the most famous festive drink in the world.
Champagne houses, palaces, hotels, restaurants, wine merchants, events… you want a
historic, unique and iconic claye® for your brand, your establishment or your
events. LACLAYE considers all types of requests and goes beyond in its ability
to offer a turnclaye in hand service.
From an exclusive design of claye that will be specific to you to a complete
range linked to the mastery of all the manufacturing processes and materials,
LACLAYE is able to respond to all types of requests: co-branding,
packages with clayes, gifts and tailor-made "Welcome Packs", etc. Entrust us with the clayes, we manage your project. Give us the clayes and let us drive your project!
Despite the apparent and seemingly disconcerting simplicity of its use, the functionality
and the registered models are the result of R&D optimization which now makes the LACLAYE® "C" jaw unique with a gain in functionality today without equivalent in simplicity and elegance for opening bottles of sparkling wines.
In international phonetics the brand LACLAYE is pronounced [laklei], the
object, a claye, is pronounced [klei]. So you obviously need a claye to open your champAYgne!
Some will also see it as a subtle nod to the many communes of Champagne. Aÿ-Champagne , Epernay, Verzenay, Mareuil-sur-Aÿ, Vinay, Cernay-lès-Reims, Prunay, Aulnay, Beaunay, Ambonnay ..z
The first reference to a utensil for the opening of champagne bottles by
lever effect dates back to 1938. The years that followed were dark. It reappeared a little later with the general public in other forms, but always and only as advertisement, except in the cellar, where it was used for disgorging champagne. At this stage, corks were gradually replaced by capsules, and the cork disappeared as it was no longer useful for this purpose. It then remained in the drawers of those few, who were able to obtain it by buying a few champagne cases, it is often given as a gift. Produced as an object without real value, the claye disappeared without a trace except among a few collectors or Raymonde. This great-grandmother, now a hundred years old, had certainly sensed the potential of an
object historically not only not very aesthetic, but most often made of folded sheet
metal. However, she continued to use it regularly, having no equivalent in terms of simplicity and efficiency to effortlessly open all bottles of sparkling wines.