The claye aims to be iconic and was obviously imagined as the perfect gift for a champagne lover. All the variations are to be considered to match the personality of a passionate person. Tortoise shells, exceptional leathers, coats of arms or blazons, high jewelry, custom boxes...

All the craftsmen of excellence mobilized in the making of a LA CUSTOM claye want to go beyond custom-made with proposals that you had not even considered possible. A #beyondbespoke design experience.

Create or offer an exceptional claye! 

Some CUSTOMS CLAYES will be presented exclusively and by appointment only at SIRHA LYON from January 23 to 27.



Contact MARIE and CLARENCE our exclusive CLAYE LA CUSTOM creation experience managers


“A beautiful gesture deserved a beautiful object.”

— C. Gascard

"Too much opening with LACLAYE can lead to addiction. Please use sparingly."

— T. Laurent

“The erotic sigh of champagne finally revealed and finally shared thanks to the claye.”

— Clarence LP